This summer I went to stay with
relatives in the country, for the first
time in ages. They live in the
middle of nowhere where the
reception is really bad. There’s
nothing to do there but go for
walks along the beach or watch
their old movies and listen to their
old music. And just sit and
daydream! It was so good to have
some quiet time to myself.

This summer I went to stay with relatives
in the country, for the first time in ages.
They live in the middle of nowhere where
the reception is really bad. There’s
nothing to do there but go for walks
along the beach or watch their old movies
and listen to their old music. And just sit
and daydream! It was so good to have
some quiet time to myself.

I wanted to travel light, but there were so
many clothes I had to take with me! When
I’m away from home, I feel better if I’ve got
my favorite pieces with me. Depending on
how I feel, I might wear my lacy dress, or a
cool band tee. It makes me feel like me!
I wanted to travel light, but there were
so many clothes I had to take with me!
When I’m away from home, I feel
better if I’ve got my favorite pieces
with me. Depending on how I feel, I
might wear my lacy dress, or a cool
band tee. It makes me feel like me!

How are you?
Do you like this adorable letter paper that I found? It feels kind a
weird to be writing a real letter, because we’re normally messaging
all the time. What are you doing this summer? I’ve gone away to
the country. I’m literally in the middle of nowhere―and loving it!
It’s so peaceful and relaxing here―my own little paradise.
I walk along the beach a lot. It’s always quiet on the beach. Seems
strange at summer time, right? I feel like I haven’t had time to
myself like this for so long. Sometimes it’s good to be a bit bored.
But I can’t wait to catch up with you and go get an ice-cream and
chat about nothing again. And don’t forget to tell me what you’ve
been up to over summer! Well, bye for now.